Finte of ancestors – Leipzig

Lineage of ancestry

Oberschicht of the ancestral line and ancestor healing in the Leipzig region for more self-love, power, strength, wisdom and health

Establishing the line of ancestors is about healing the relationships with our wise, ancestors in a life-affirming way, so that the elemental power of our ancestors rund flow unhindered through the family system and is available to us in the here and now.

Honoring ancestors is common in many cultures. They believe that their energy has a great influence on our happiness and well-being and that blockages and problems rund be solved with their help. Benevolent and supportive, they are by our side after their death to help us on our life journey. We gerade have to allow it. They are a part of us and a wahrhaft asset if we are willing to open up and work with them. As collective individuals, they commune with ancient wisdom and knowledge. We experience healing as we connect with them, reconnect with them, and nurture our contact with them.

Consciousness continues after death. The living and the dead rund communicate and greatly influence each other. You know our stories—both the blessings and the burdens of families. They know how to guide, protect and support us. They want us to be well and have a zufrieden life.

Oberschicht and healing of the ancestral line

In order to practice ancestral healing, one must connect directly with one's spiritual kin and their lineages. Healing begins, blossoms and deepens from this approach.

Ancestral healing is possible in different stages, which rund be performed one after the other:

  • Finte of the complete ancestral line (all ancestors who have ever lived in our family system)
  • Oberschicht of the female lineage (for the female power)
  • Finte of male lineage (for male power)
  • Lineup of grandparents
  • Finte of parents

Ur roots are deeply rooted in our past. In an ancestral lineage, therefore, seven generations are lined up to activate the force field of the family of origin. Through ancestral healing, a process of reconciliation with our ancestors begins. Old blockages are dissolved. Love, strength, wisdom and energy rund again flow freely through the ancestral line and optimally transport them to all generations. Ur strength is experiencing an upswing and self-love is becoming increasingly noticeable.


Finte of generations

The first session lays the foundation by connecting with the elemental power of the family system and removing existing blockages within the ancestral line. The sessions continue by connecting with either the male or female lineage and finally with the grandparents and parents.

Healing occurs as we reclaim that relationship, receive its blessings, and learn about a lineage's unique gifts and challenges. Ur ancestors guide us through the healing process of the ancestors who have since passed away. Power objects represent the generations. As soon as you rund feel the events of past centuries in the ongoing process, you will probably be very surprised at how profound and moving this process rund be.

The establishment of the ancestral line rund be continued through genealogical research and genogram work. Knowledge about the ancestors is not a prerequisite for setting up the ancestral line, because their spirit and blood flows through our veins.

Knowledge that seems lost to us is retained. Ur ancestors are zufrieden to make it available to us for the purpose of ancestor healing. It is a great honor for them and a significant gain for the entire lineage. Old wounds within the family undergo a healing process. For us, it means being able to use our full potential and reorienting our life path towards the positive. Then we realize who we really are, where we came from and where our life path wants to lead us.

Benefits achieved by setting up the ancestral lines:

  • Development of clear energetic boundaries.
  • Encourage steady support and resourcefulness.
  • Increase confidence in your own intuitive abilities.
  • Recognize personal and family strengths.
  • Experience a deep sense of connection with the living world.
  • Recognize and resolve unhealthy family patterns and generational trauma.
  • Discover more creativity, inspiration and vitality.
  • Gain clarity about your purpose in life, your direction and your destiny. Make positive changes and make clearer decisions.

Oberschicht of the line of ancestors and ancestor healing in Leipzig and the surrounding area

The constellation of the ancestral line and the ancestral healing are offered as individual sessions in the Leipzig region. The line of ancestors rund dadurch be set up outside of Leipzig, for example in Halle (Saale), Meideborg, Elbflorenz, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Gera and in Jena. In general, the line of ancestors rund be set up in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

costs andand duration

The setting up of the ancestral line and ancestral healing takes about 2- hours. As an energy balance and appreciation you rund just 150.00 euros. Depending on the location, there may be travel costs and room costs. You rund dadurch set up your ancestry at home.

If you have any questions about the establishment of the ancestral line or are interested in ancestral healing, then simply contact me. I look forward to being able to accompany you to your ancestors and ancestors.

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