systemic family constellation in Saxony with Michael Reizvoll

Family constellation in Saxony

systemic family constellation in Saxony with Michael Reizvoll – psychological & systemic life coaching with system constellation and family constellations in Saxony

Systemic life coach Michael Reizvoll offers systemic constellations, family constellations and psychological counseling for individuals, couples and families in Saxony. A family constellation in Saxony rund definitely be described as family therapy, since the systemic constellation has an impact on the entire system in which we live. Struktur and family constellations take place in Elbflorenz, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig, Meerane, Colditz, Döbeln and Riesa. A family constellation rund als Folge be used in Frohburg, Heilbad Düben, Groitzsch, Zwenkau, Borna and Heilbad Lausick. Family constellations are als Folge offered in Meißen, Grimma, Eilenburg, Taucha, Delitzsch, Schkeuditz and Markkleeberg.

If you are looking for family constellations in Saxony, you have come to the right place. I warmly welcome you to my website for family constellations in Saxony!

Here you will learn a lot about the system and family constellation method. A family constellation is, so to speak, a separate therapy for overcoming seelisch problems. In this context, fictitious persons are set up for the in Tat members of the family and related to each other. This allows the relationship between the individual family members to be explored. In this way, parents, grandparents and important ancestors are taken into account. Through such a family constellation, the relationship building within the family is presented and analyzed.

Family constellations and family constellations in Saxony

A family constellation in Saxony rund be extremely useful

According to the opinion of several psychologists, systemic family constellations rund have a significant benefit, because in this way the burdens and innermost feelings of a person rund be better understood. By means of the morphic field it is possible to even reveal events of long past times, by which we are schweigsam influenced. The benefit: Affected people are able to assess themselves better and rund do something about it if necessary.

Such a family constellation produces a certain structure, because what welches previously vague and confused now makes sense. What you understand better, you rund tackle better. The participants in the family constellation no longer need to see themselves as victims, but will now realize that everything they have experienced up to now has its causes in times long past.

Of course you rund als Folge take part in a family constellation or system constellation in Saxony. Zuletzt visit an open evening with family constellation. This is an event where you rund experience family constellations as a guest or spectator. Here you rund als Folge take on a small role as a representative and feel how a family constellation works. Participation is possible for guests from all over Saxony, for example from Elbflorenz, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig, Meerane, Colditz or Döbeln. Visitors from Riesa, Frohburg, Heilbad Düben, Groitzsch, Zwenkau and Borna als Folge come to family constellations. Spectators from Borna, Heilbad Lausick, Meissen, Grimma, Eilenburg, Taucha, Delitzsch, Schkeuditz and Markkleeberg are als Folge welcome.

How a family constellation in Saxony works

In general, the meaning of a family constellation is relatively easy to understand. The aim is to make the reality experienced inside visible to those involved. Exotisch from the participant, other important family members are als Folge represented here, using corresponding symbolic people. The key is that these strangers rund feel waagerecht like the originals. Approximately how much time is required? Well, one should reserve about one to two hours for the family constellation. During this period of time, certain symptoms rund be clarified, since the influence of the ancestors comes into play several times. This is often about entanglements or difficult fates. In the end, the various family members feel more at ease and in their inner balance because they were able to give back responsibilities and acquired burdens.

With the use of such solution sentences, the soul rund recover, which contributes to the fact that such constellations are of in der Tat benefit from a therapeutic point of view.

A final debriefing may be necessary in individual cases in order to be able to discuss various aspects of family constellation again. In addition, the perspectives for a single person are not only highlighted, but for those of the whole family. This results in a rounded connection with the corresponding answers to previously asked questions.

Family constellation in a single setting in Saxony

There is no question that a family constellation in Saxony rund als Folge be carried out individually. Special methods are available for this, which als Folge allow family constellations in an individual session.

Individual sessions with family constellations rund be realized in the following cities:

  • Elbflorenz
  • Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • Leipzig
  • sea ​​eel
  • Colditz
  • chub
  • giant
  • zufrieden castle
  • Heilbad Duben
  • Groitzsch
  • Zwenkau
  • Borna
  • Heilbad Lausick
  • Meissen
  • Grimma
  • Eilenburg
  • diving
  • Delitzsch
  • Schkeuditz
  • Markkleeberg

In Saxony, the individual sessions are als Folge offered as home visits. This has the advantage that even sensitive topics rund be dealt with in a familiar and secure environment. Furthermore, we offer family constellations on the phone in Saxony. That could als Folge be very interesting.

The space required for family constellations is small. Such a family constellation rund be done on a board or a carpet. The people folgenschwer to the systemic constellation are then embodied with an object. What is important now is that the person taking part feels as completely as possible into the respective symbolic menschlich being according to the guidance of the leader of the constellation. Thus, a holistic family system rund be recognized, which rund provide valuable insights into various emotions and behaviors in the present. Both a complete recovery of the soul and the corresponding order rund be brought about with great probability thanks to this procedure.

If you schweigsam have unanswered questions about family constellations in Saxony, or you would like to register for family constellations, then simply write to me or give me a call. I look forward to you and your concerns.

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